Icecat: What is it?

Icecat is thé platform for sharing product information. You can find all our up-to-date product information here, from logistic data to video's, images and marketing texts. You can download information for one product, or a whole range of products at once. creating an account with Icecat will be done in 2 minutes. you'll then be granted access to product information from every brand that makes their information available on Icecat. You can download all information for our own brands for free.

Our own brands:

Icecat in steps

Not familiar with Icecat? We made a small guide for you with 10 steps to master Icecat. You can download product information for a small or large amount of products, the process remains the same. Simply fill an Excel file with GTIN numbers and Icecat will take care of the rest. You'll find a detailed manual in our instruction manual below. Go to and follow the 10 steps in the manual.

Icecat manual
Chargement en cours
Chargement en cours